10 events found.
Wapiti 3-Gun Championship
Wapiti Shooter's Club (Grande Prairie) 705032 Range Rd 60, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada2 day shoot, non points event. Practiscore registration link:Â https://practiscore.com/wapiti-3-gun-championship/register
Lethbridge 3GN
Lethbridge Fish and Game 128 Riverbottom, Lethbridge, Alberta, CanadaLambton Sportsman 3 Gun
Lambton Sportsman's Club 601 Bickford Line, Wilkesport, Ontario, CanadaSign up - 9:00 am. Safety Address – 9:45 am. Start Time 10:00 am. Duration of match - from 10:00 am. to 3:00 p.m. 4 to 6 Stages with multiple Strings EQUIPMENT NEEDED Center fire – Caliber 9mm / 38Spl. minimum 2 or 3 mags for auto’s 3 or 4 speed loaders for revolvers Concealed-carry …
BTSA Action Shooting League Monday Night
Buffalo Target Shooters Association (BTSA) Calgary, Alberta, CanadaPlease Sign Up Here: https://goo.gl/forms/U7liqIW6HPqxGWx83 Also check us out on Facebook: Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3GunCalgary/
PFICanada Vancouver Island 3 Gun Nation
Campbell River Gun Club (CRGC) Campbell River, BC, CanadaRestigouche Multigun
Restigouche Gun Club Restigouche, New Brunswick, CanadaCHAS 3Gun
CHAS Range at Genesee Edmonton, Alberta, Canada